Sunday, April 21, 2013
Son, be not dismayed with the labors which thou hast undertake for Me, neither let tribulations ever cast thee down; but let My promise strengthen thee, and comfort thee in ever event. PS CXVIII. 71
I am sufficient to reward thee beyond all measure. GEN XV 1
Thou shalt not labor here long, nor shalt thou be always oppressed with sorrows.
Wait a little while and thou shalt see a speedy end of all they evils.
The hour will come when labor and trouble shall be no more.
All is little and short which passeth away with time WIS III 9
Do thy part well; mind what thou art about; labor faithfully in My vineyard, I will be they reward.
Write, read, sing sigh, keep silence, pray, bear thy crosses manfully; eternal life is worthy of all these, and greater combats.
Peace shall come in one day, which is known to the Lord; and it shall not be a vicissitude of day and night,k such as is at present; but everlasting light, infinite brightness, steadfast peace, and secure rest. APOC XXI 23
Thou shalt not then say: Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? ROM VII 24. Nor shalt thou cry out: Woe is me, that my sojourning is prolonged. PS CXIX 5 For death shall be no more, but never-failing health: no anxiety, but blessed delight, and a society sweet and lovely.
Oh, if thou hadst seen the everlasting crown of the saints in heaven, and in how great glory they now triumph who appeared contemptible heretofore to this world, and in a manner even unworthy of life, doubtless thou wouldst immediately cast thyself down to the very earth, and wouldst rather seek to be under the feet of all, than to have command over so much as one.
My Imitation of Christ (Ch 47)
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