On November 29, 1932, Fernande Voisin, age
15, and her brother Albert, age 11, went to bring their 13 year-old sister,
Gilberte, home from the boarding school of the Sisters of the Christian
Doctrine of Nancy, accompanied by their friend Andrée Degeimbre, age 14, and
her 9 year-old sister, Gilberte.
Just after ringing the doorbell of the school, Albert turned around and stared in the direction of the nearby railroad tracks, and exclaimed: "Look at the Virgin walking over the bridge!" (…). On November 30th, the Blessed Virgin appeared to them again above the bridge; and again on December 1st (…). Then, after December 29th, they saw that her heart was illuminated on her chest as if it were made of gold. The Virgin Mary appeared about thirty more times, until January 3, 1933. Our Lady introduced herself in the following way: “I am the Immaculate Virgin, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven.” (…) The last evening, she declared: “I will convert sinners.” She said to Fernande: “Do you love my Son? Do you love me?” And, after Fernande repeated "yes" twice, she finally said: “Then, sacrifice yourself for me. Farewell.” Msgr André Marie Charue, bishop of Namur (France), approved the supernatural character of the apparitions on July 2, 1949.
The Mary of Nazareth Team

Saturday, November 30, 2013
Her heart was illuninated as if it were made of gold
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
We must be a reflection of Mary to help disheartened souls
We must help disheartened souls as there are
so many. Let us follow the path that Our Lord made ready for us, by
faithfully responding to grace, and fighting the good fight of the Lord. When
we speak of prayer, sacrifice, or Eucharistic adoration, it does not resonate
in people’s hearts anymore. God has been abandoned for pleasure and material
Jesus, who is everything to Mary, is everything to us as well. Mary is completely His. She gave up everything—her life and her whole being—she sacrificed everything for Him and for us. May our lives belong totally to Him, following Mary's example. |
Mother Mary of the Cross (Maria
Nault) 1901-1999, Textes choisis (Selected Works), volume 5: Avec Marie vivre
le combat spirituel, Entretiens spirituels B6 -Noël 40
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Mary, Mother of Jesus, in the Accomplishment of the Work of Redemption
For Saint John, Mary is above all “the Mother
of Jesus.” He introduces her for the first time at the wedding at Cana, but
he forgets to tell us her name: the Mother of Jesus was there... His Mother
told the disciples (…). If we could understand the full significance of this
title, we would know perfectly well who Mary is, for she is only this: the
Mother of Jesus.
Yet, at the foot of the Cross, St John reveals a new light to us, by confirming the place of Mary's motherhood in the salvific economy of grace. Indeed, being the Mother of Jesus is not limited to giving birth to him. She remains his Mother during his whole life on earth and in the accomplishment of the work of Redemption, through the Sacrifice of the Cross. At that supreme moment, in the presence of Mary, Jesus is still her Son: she is the first one he sees; he thinks of the intense pain that "pierces her heart," according to Simeon's prophecy. Beyond the solicitude of the Son for his Mother, this ultimate dialogue sheds light on their new relationship that springs from the fulfillment of his Sacrifice.
Fr. Guy Frenod, O.S.B
Exerpt from a Homily
Friday, November 8, 2013
As the world returns to the love of Mary...
The term ‘Woman’ indicated a wider
relationship to all humanity than ‘Mother.’ It meant that she (Mary) was to
be not only his mother, but that she was also to be the mother of all
mankind, as he was the Savior of all mankind. She was now to have many
children—not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit. Jesus was
her firstborn in the flesh in joy; John was her second-born in the spirit of
sorrow; and we are her millionth and millionth born.
(…) Every objection against devotion to Mary grows in the soil of an imperfect belief in the Son. It is a historical fact that, as the world lost the Mother, it also lost the Son. It may be that, as the world returns to the love of Mary, it will also return to a belief in the divinity of Christ.
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
American Bishop
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
The Rosary Beats the Time of Life
The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous
prayer! Marvelous in its simplicity and in its depth. In this prayer we
repeat many times the words that the Virgin Mary heard from the Archangel,
and from her kinswoman Elizabeth. The whole Church joins in these words.
In fact, against the background of the words "Ave Maria" the main episodes in the life of Jesus Christ pass before the eyes of the soul. They are composed altogether of the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries, and they put us in living communion with Jesus through - we could say - his Mother's heart. At the same time our heart can enclose in these decades of the Rosary all the facts that make up the life of the individual, the family, the nation, the Church and mankind. Personal matters and those of one's neighbor, and particularly of those who are closest to us, who are dearest to us. Thus the simple prayer of the Rosary beats the time of human life.
John Paul II, Angelus, October 29, 1978
Friday, November 1, 2013
The privileged place of the Rosary in intercessory prayer
As an exercise of Christian devotion among the faithful of the Latin Rite who constitute a notable portion of the Catholic family, the Rosary ranks after Holy Mass and the Breviary for ecclesiastics (priests), and for the laity after participation in the sacraments. It is a devout form of union with God and lifts souls to a higher supernatural plane.
Blessed Pope John XXIII
If you must go through a time of aridity...
Love the Immaculate with your whole being,
with all your will, and all your heart. But if you must go through a time of
aridity when you are unable to awaken sentiments of love, do not worry too
much, for such feelings are not the essence of love.
As long as your will desires only her will, be at peace, for then do you truly love her, and through her, you love Jesus and the Father. |
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, Conqueress in God's Battlefield
Queen of the Holy Rosary, Help of Christians,
Refuge of the human race, Conqueress in God's battlefield, to you and to your
Immaculate Heart, in this tragic hour of human history, we entrust and
consecrate ourselves (…).
Oh, Mother of Mercy, obtain peace for us from God! Obtain especially those graces, which can convert human hearts quickly. Those graces, which can prepare, establish and insure peace. Queen of Peace, pray for us. Give the world at war the peace for which all are longing. Peace in Truth, Justice and the Charity of Christ. Give them peace of the arms and peace of mind, that in tranquility and order, the Kingdom of God may expand. Grant your protection to infidels (…), and permit that the sun of truth may rise upon them. |
Pope Pius XII
Act of Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on October 31, 1942 (Excerpts) |
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